DQN Algorithm
Deep Q-networks (DQN) is a type of deep reinforcement learning algorithm developed by DeepMind in 2013.
DQN uses a deep convolutional neural network to approximate the Q-value of action in a given state.
There are several hyperparameters that can be tuned to get better results with DQN.
- Alpha (α) - Learning rate
- Gamma (γ) - Discount factor
- Epsilon (ε) - Probability of random movement
- Epsilon decay frames
- Batch size (32, 64 or higher)
- Replay memory size (10000)
- Target network update frequency (sync every 1000 frames)
Performance metrics
We can use the Q value and loss as two metrics to evaluate the performance of a DQN model.
Q value
Q value measures the expected reward for performing an action in a given state.
- Increasing average Q value is a sign that model is getting better at the game (better performance).
- A good range for Q value is 5 to 20, with a small and steady increasing trend.
- It is normal for Q value to fluctuate or decrease at the start of training.
Tips for Q value
Expected Q value is affected various hyperparameters as well as the reward function.
Here are some common issues with Q values and tips on how to fix them:
1. Q value too low (<1)
- Alpha (learning rate) might be too low. Increase alpha to make the model learn faster.
- Gamma (discount factor) might be too low. Increase gamma to make the model account for more future reward.
- The model might not be learning at all. This could be due to poor design or conflicting weights in reward function.
2. Q value too high (>50)
- Gamma (discount factor) might be too high. Decrease gamma to avoid compounding future reward too much.
- Weights in reward function might be too high. Try to lower the weights for factors affecting the reward function.
3. Q value unstable and fluctuates widely
- Alpha (learning rate) might be too high. Decrease alpha to make the model learn in a more stable manner.
Loss measures the difference between the predicted and the actual result (how accurate the prediction is). It is the squared error of the target Q value and prediction Q value.
- Decreasing loss is a sign that model is becoming more accurate at predictions.
- A perfect model would have a loss value of zero, meaning it can predict state reward perfectly without any errors.
- A good range for loss value is 0 to 5, with a small and steady decreasing trend.
- It is normal for loss to increase at the start of training, before Q value stabilizes.
Tips for Loss
Here are some common issues with loss and tips on how to fix them:
1. Negative loss
- This is likely due to a bug. You can report bugs on our Discord server.
2. Loss too high (>10)
- Gamma (discount factor) might be too high. Decrease gamma to avoid compounding future reward too much.
- Weights in reward function might be too high. Try to lower the weights for factors affecting the reward function.
- The model is not learning and becoming better. This could be due to poor design or conflicting weights in reward function.
3. Loss unstable and fluctuates widely
- Alpha (learning rate) might be too high. Decrease alpha to make the model learn in a more stable manner.
DQN can be trained to play many single-player games, for example Tetris, Snake, 2048.
This is a screenshot of tfboard for training DQN to play AI Simulator: 2048 over 100M frames:
Observations on key metrics:
- The Q value is stable around 15 to 16 and increasing steadily.
- The loss value is stable at around 0.1 to 0.2 and decreasing steadily.
This is a screenshot of tfboard for training DQN to play AI Simulator: Robot over 13M frames:
Observations on key metrics:
- The Q value is stable around 4 and increasing steadily.
- The loss value is stable at around 0.3 and decreasing steadily.
Further readings
DQN paper
- Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning - arxiv
- Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning - vmnih
Interactive demos
- TensorFlow.js Reinforcement Learning: Snake DQN
- PuckWorld: Deep Q Learning
- AI Simulator: 2048
- AI Simulator: Robot
- AI Simulator: Block Puzzle
Download AI Simulator games to try using DQN algorithm on the various games:

AI Simulator: 2048
Play with numbers
Train machine learning models
the stats grow

AI Simulator: Robot
Navigate maze with AI
Upgrade your robot
Get the
highest score

AI Simulator: Block Puzzle
Classic Block Puzzle Game
Smart AI Auto Play
AFK Experience